Deliver ROI positive User Acquisition with Apple Search Ads

ASA is a hot, new acquisition channel that allows keyword research focused on the user’s purchase intent, so we can focus on what really matters: your ROI.

App Store Optimization

Deliver ROI positive User Acquisition with Apple Search Ads

ASA is a hot, new acquisition channel that allows for keyword research focused on the user’s purchase intent so we can focus on what really matters; your ROI.

App Store Optimization

Where we can help:

Delivering a strategic Apple Search Ads campaign launch with a strong focus on ROI positive acquisition below your LTV targets.
Our team of ASA Certified specialists will make extensive competitor analysis and keyword research focused on purchase intent.
The Data Science team will provide strategic growth, competitive insights and weekly data analysis on your app’s performance.

How It Works

Our Certified Apple Search Ads specialists & our Data Science team come together to provide strategic competitive insights.

Extensive & constant CR (conversion rate) focused keyword research is done. The campaign launch is divided into several tiers so we can easily measure ROI at the campaign & keyword level across several geographies.

Constant optimization towards growing the ROI at the keyword level & campaign level to match your LTV target.


How we doubled the revenue and installs for the health and fitness app Shock

Increasing the organic and paid installs and increasing the revenue


We created a roadmap for ASO to grow the organic installs and Apple search ads to increase the paid installs and focused the keyword research on high purchase intent keywords. This provided strong results on both installs and revenue. Doubling both the installs and the revenue.

Customer Testimonials

Thank you SO much for all of your hard work over the past 8/9 months. I knew how much I’d learn from you and how your expertise was going to be exactly what we needed. And it was! From being just you and I working on all of this, to now a fully-staffed team, you’ve helped us build the ASO foundations for all of Uber’s apps. You’ve helped set us up in a great place. Thank you again. And I mean when I say it; I genuinely hope we get to work together again one day.

Rachael Minster

Head of Grow Marketing, Uber

The whole team was fundamental to Flora’s ASO strategy. They helped us grow from 50,000 downloads to over 200,000 and ensured that we understood and learned from the strategies and changes they implemented. They were part of our core team and their attention to detail, punctuality and depth of research were a rare combination – one that we were grateful to experience. I highly recommend them to any client looking to expand their acquisition strategy with ASO!

Aabesh De

Founder, Florasense

"Did I mention you are awesome? YOU ARE AWESOME and a ROCKSTAR! When I first started at Uber, I was amazed by the amount of work you had done within such a short amount of time. It’s amazing to work with professionals like you who speak the same ASO language and I love all of our brainstorming and discussion sessions where we just sat down and fought fires to solve problems.

Tina Chang

Senior App Store Optimization Manager, Uber

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+(351) 925 006 577

What’s next?

  •  Schedule a meeting
  •  Create strategies
  •  Start growing your app

Interested in our app marketing strategies? Let us know about your project or call us
+(351) 925 006 577

What’s next?

  •  Schedule a meeting
  •  Create Strategies
  •  Your app start growing
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