
Increase in Conversion Rate (CR)

Top 5

Ranking for the keyword “plant”

Top 10

Ranking for competitors’ keywords

The Challenge

Featured on the App Store in over 100 countries, PictureThis is a revolutionary plant engine that identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy-better than most human experts. Despite having a strong marketing position, the increasingly competitive market environment led PictureThis to need to increase its visibility in the Google Play Store.

PictureThis approached the Teletab team with two main challenges:

  1. Increase the app’s presence in the Google Play Store for English-speaking countries
  2. Increase the conversion rate (CR) and visibility

Solutions that Create Growth

By constantly A/B testing in Google Play, we were able to increase the CR & pull more organic traffic by getting the algorithm to attribute us traffic to close each test.

Our Solution

Our team conducted an in-depth assessment of the English-speaking market by making a thorough competitor and keyword analysis to identify opportunities that would not only increase the apps’ conversion rate (CR) but also improve visibility in the Google Play Store for their plant, rock, and mushroom identification apps.

Teletab focused on:

  1. Improving the app’s presence in the Google Play Store – Our App Store optimization team followed a systematic research approach of the competition and keyword opportunities in terms of visibility score and ranking opportunities for all the PictureThis’ apps to increase their visibility for the United States, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand markets.
  2. Increasing conversion rate and visibility – To increase the CR and the app’s visibility, our team of experts conducted an extensive A/B testing phase of subtitles and long descriptions to find the best options that would have the highest rate of conversions.

Interested in our app marketing strategies? Let us know about your project or call us
+(351) 925 006 577

What’s next?

  •  Schedule a meeting
  •  Create strategies
  •  Start growing your app

Interested in our app marketing strategies? Let us know about your project or call us
+(351) 925 006 577

What’s next?

  •  Schedule a meeting
  •  Create Strategies
  •  Your app start growing
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